Where there is a lack of honor in government the morals of the whole people are poisioned. We were warned by our founders that the Judiciary would be the most likely to usurp the law. We have in affect today an "Imperial Judiciary" engaged in assult on lawful government. The outrageous decrees from these tyrants over the last forty plus years have indeed poisioned society unlike the leave it to Beaver and Father knows best society that I grew up in. Perhaps the most damage was the Roe Vs Wade decission. The Courts of this land belong to "we the people" and its high time we become knowledgable of our rights and powers. The Constitution was written by "we the people" but by our lazy complacency and an education system that has become misguided our youth have been robbed of our heritage. Remembering our foundations, We are suffering from a severe case of national amnesia. As recently as 1972, the U.S. Court of appeals for the Dist of Columbia said that the Jury has an "Unreviewable and Irreversible power" ... to acquit in disregard of the instructions of the law given by the trial judge.... ~ US Vs Dougherty, 473F2d 1113,1139. [1972]
"If a jury have not the right to judge between the government and those who disobey its laws, the government is absolute, and the people are slaves." ~ Lysander Spooner The Unknowing are slaves to liars
"An ignorant people are easily betrayed, and a wicked people can never be ruled by the mild influence of their own laws." ~ Arthur J. Stanbury [1828]
"It will always be easy to rob an ignorant people of their liberty as to pick the pockets of a blind man." ~ Phillips Payson Election Sermon 1778
There are many wonderful people working to restore this great nation to its former glory, the [fully informed jury association] is but one.
I suggest that anytime a trial judge [director of court room traffic] instructs the jury on his view of points of law he or she is guilty of jury tampering! a Felony offense! "They have done violence to the law... the unjust knoweth no shame." Zeph 3 : 4-5 "Woe to them that decree unrighteous decrees, and that write grievousness which they have prescribed." ~ Isaiah 10:1
[Courts] routinely rubber stamp egregious violations of the 1st, 4th, 5th amendments, and allow Congress to legislate wildly outside the bounds of its enumerated powers." ~ the truly Honorable Congressman Ron Paul of Texas
" All the extravagance and incompetence of our present government is due, in the main, to lawyers... they are responsible for nine-tenths of the useless and vicious laws that clutter the statute books, and for the evils that go with the vain attempts to enforce them..." ~ H.L. Mencken [1924]
Let us encourage and support those principled people in authority who honor their oath of office. We are favored by having a few on the U.S. Supreme Court.
"Therefore, I exhort, first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godlinness and reverence."
~ 1 Timothy 2: 1-2 [NKJV]
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