Saturday, March 17, 2007

School Bond Soup

First, let me say that I am in no way against the school nor the precious children. I do however encourage home/Christian schooling. That said consider these quotes from whence we came.
"Love worketh no ill to his neighbor: therefore love is the fulfilling of the law. " Romans 13:10
An honest person does not seek to enrich himself at the expense of his neighbor. A moral person does not claim that his desires or his needs establish claim on the time, wealth, or property of a neighbor.
A person of integrity does not abhor extortion on an individual level while encourageing it on a social plain.
And the following from Trial by Jury by Lysander Spooner date 1852
"...Taking a man's money without his consent, is also as much robbery, when it is done by millions of men, acting in concert, and calling themselves a government, as when it is done by a single individual. acting on his own responsibility, and calling himself a highwayman. Neither the numbers engaged in the act, nor the different characters they assume as a cover for the act, alter the nature of the act itself..."
Yes, today, otherwise good people are so callous by conventional wisdom that they practice social robbery by imposing upon their neighbor, increasing his cost of living by voting a tax upon him without his consent. Again,
"Love worketh no ill to his neighbor: therefore love is the fulfilling of the law. ~Romans 13:10
No one is wise or safe, but they that are honest. ~ Sir Walter Raleigh
Till next time have a good and Godly day. Titus

1 comment:

Lannie Ruvin said...

"...Taking a man's money without his consent, is also as much robbery, when it is done by millions of men, acting in concert, and calling themselves a government, as when it is done by a single individual. ... Neither the numbers engaged in the act, nor the different characters they assume as a cover for the act, alter the nature of the act itself..."

I have no problem with paying for the public services which support secular government and secular services. However, it is a travesty for the government to givees my tax money to faith-based organizations in order to support faith-based services.